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*You must be at least 16 years of age to enroll in an Short-Term Professional Development Course.
Class | Course Description (Class) | Last Class Date | Actual Start Date/Time | Hours Per Meeting | Sunday? | Monday? | Tuesday? | Wednesday? | Thursday? | Friday? | Saturday? | In District Cost | Out of District Cost | Training On Demand | Content URL | Session Format | |
Introduction to Photography with Dawn Muncy | Embark on an exciting journey into the world of photography with our Introduction to Photography course with Master Photographer Dawn Muncy. Specifically designed for beginners, this course covers essential concepts and techniques to help you gain a comprehensive understanding of manual and automatic camera functions, principles of composition as well as how to find and control natural light. Day 1: Understanding the exposure triangle. Aperture, shutter speed and ISO and how they work together to control exposure and achieve specific effects in your photographs. Day 2: Mastering camera functions. Ever wonder what all those letters are on the top of your camera? We’ll cover the basic manual and automatic functions of your camera so you feel more confident and in control of the final image. We’ll also discuss white balance and how to achieve accurate color. Day 3: Composition Techniques for Captivating Images. We’ll explore fundamental composition principles such as the rule of thirds, framing, leading lines and balance and discover how it can greatly enhance your visual storytelling Day: Tips for finding the best natural light. You don’t need a lot of expensive equipment to create a beautiful image but you do need a basic understanding of light quality and direction. We’ll explore a variety of ways to improve your photographs with available light and how to achieve the look you desire. Throughout the course, our highly skilled photographic instructor will provide expert guidance, personalized feedback and practical demonstrations. By the end of this course, you’ll have gained a solid understanding of the basic principles of photography and enjoy the final results in your own work. | 3.0000000000 | false | false | true | false | true | false | false | $299.00 | $598.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Grant Writing | I’m just a grant! - Components of Typical Foundation and Corporate Grants. What makes up a good grant? We’ll talk about the process of grantmaking as well as the typical components of a solid request. | 3.0000000000 | false | false | true | false | false | false | false | $25.00 | $50.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Basics of Artificial Intelligence | This is an introduction class to help you understand the following: -AI fundamentals -Available A.I options -Using A.I effectively | 3.0000000000 | false | false | false | true | false | false | false | $49.00 | $98.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Using ChatGPT for Excel | This class will introduce you to using ChatGPT to enhance your Excel productivity, automate tasks, and generate formulas and solutions more efficiently. | 2.0000000000 | false | true | false | false | false | false | false | $39.00 | $78.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Introduction to The 6 Types of Working Genius | Do you feel satisfied, fulfilled, and energized by your work? As professionals, we’ve adapted to be able to do many things and do them well. Sometimes that work leaves us drained, frustrated, and burnt out. Do you ever wonder why? What would it take to have more days that leave us saying, "I love my job"? Join us for this session for a conversation with Lisa White, Training Specialist here at Autry Tech and Certified Facilitator for the Six Types of Working Genius. She’ll talk through the genius types, how each of them is necessary to get things done, how to leverage the geniuses of others, of Working Genius, and how to use this knowledge to impact your life for the better. Assessment is included with session, link will be forwarded to participant before class. | 1.5000000000 | false | false | false | true | false | false | false | $35.00 | $50.00 | false | In Class | ||||
School Bus Driver | This training program is designed for individuals who hold a driving permit and are seeking guidance in enhancing their skills for the road test. The curriculum covers vital aspects such as backing, parallel parking, picking up passengers, and other key driving maneuvers necessary to ace the road test. Classes are conducted over the course of 12 hours on Saturdays and Sundays as per schedule. | 12.0000000000 | true | false | false | false | false | false | true | $375.00 | $750.00 | false | In Class | ||||
CDL Truck Driver Training Class A | Go to Central Technology Center's website to sign up for information and to sign up for the class. The program utilizes classroom instruction, range and road driving, as well as, practical application of skills used in highway driving. You will be prepared to join the trucking industry after 28 days of training. Cost is $4,800.00; tuition assistance, discounts and grants available. Upon successful completion of the class/exams and having met all requirements, students earn: Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Central Tech Truck Driver Training certificate of completion PDTI seal of attainment indicating completion of all standards The state-of-the-art facility has a driving range with more than three miles of paved roadway on 45 acres. The range is equipped with traffic signs, railroad crossing, and skill practice areas designed to allow each student to develop the skills necessary to become proficient in driving today’s tractor trailers. Two students per truck allows each student a minimum of 44 hours of drive time ensuring the ability to develop proficient driving skills including: Control/Vehicle Systems Vehicle Pre-Trip Inspection FMCSA Rules & Regulations Air Brakes Systems Coupling & Uncoupling Various Backing Maneuvers Progressive Shifting Space & Speed Management Compliance Safety & Accountability (CSA) Hours of Service Night Driving | 9.0000000000 | false | true | true | true | true | true | false | $4300.00 | $8600.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Using ChatGPT for Writing | Learn how to leverage ChatGPT for improving your writing process, enhancing creativity, generating content, and refining drafts. | 2.0000000000 | false | true | false | false | false | false | false | $39.00 | $78.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Emergency Medical Technician | This training will develop you into a successful EMT and meet the requirements set forth by the State Department of Health. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be eligible to take the national registry exam. Course cost covers books and class supplies, additional costs of black slacks, black belt, and black leather enclosed shoes are the responsibility of the student. This class will be a portion of in classroom, hybrid online cognitive learning, hands on skill labs that will take place on pre-determined dates and 36 hours of clinicals on an ambulance. The instructor will be available through phone and email during the week. | 4.0000000000 | false | false | true | false | true | false | false | $1729.00 | $3079.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Excel 2021/365 Level 1 | What is the point of Excel Level 1? Level 1 is about familiarization with and exposure to the Excel ecosystem. Where are the basic options I am going to need, more than just the data entry? In the first of three level classes of three evening sessions each, we learn to navigate the workbook and the work sheet. Then, it is off to using shortcuts. The shortcuts in level speed up the repetitive tasks, like copy and paste. Next, the beginning of what a formula Is and how they work. We explore the shallow end of the functions included in Excel and how to incorporate them into our formulas. With two main areas left, look and feel, the learning goes to formatting the document. Making it appealing to the eye of your audience. Finally, we share some of the options that can be used to streamline the whole process. You should expect to at the least be familiar with Excel and to have increased your data throughput speed. All this information peppered with some history of and personal anecdotes that help to bring down some of the steepness from your learning curve. This class covers the NEW Microsoft 2021 updates. | 3.0000000000 | false | true | false | true | false | false | false | $109.00 | $196.00 | false | In Class | ||||
School Bus Driver | This training program is designed for individuals who hold a driving permit and are seeking guidance in enhancing their skills for the road test. The curriculum covers vital aspects such as backing, parallel parking, picking up passengers, and other key driving maneuvers necessary to ace the road test. Classes are conducted over the course of 12 hours on Saturdays and Sundays as per schedule. | 12.0000000000 | true | false | false | false | false | false | true | $375.00 | $750.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Welding for Certification | Explore the techniques of welding steel plate and pipe with extensive hands-on experience. Includes oxyacetylene cutting and welding with a strong focus on arc welding. Certification test fee is separate, with an average cost of up to $200. | 4.0000000000 | false | false | true | false | true | false | false | $839.00 | $1539.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Welding Skill Development | The Welding Skills Development Program is for welders of any base skill set. The purpose is to allow designated time to practice or learn new skills under the supervision of a welding instructor. The class will be individualized and student directed. This will allow for students to expand on their already existing skills at their own pace. The course instructor will provide educational instruction in shop safety, practical skill application, solutions to welding issues and assisting students to aid in their welding skill improvement. | 4.0000000000 | false | false | true | false | true | false | false | $499.00 | $939.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Emergency Medical Responder | The Emergency Medical Responder is an integral part of the Emergency Medical Services System. The term "first responder" has been applied to the first individual that arrives at the scene regardless of the individual's credentials. This class will provide students with the core knowledge, skills, and attitudes to function in the capacity of a first responder. Each student's first attempt at the certification test is included in the schedule and cost of the course. | 4.0000000000 | false | true | false | true | false | false | false | $689.00 | $1129.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Android Basics | Not sure if you are using your Android effectively? Join us to learn functions, tips and tricks. The course will include both formal instruction and time to troubleshoot with the instructor. This class will also cover the use of google chromebooks. | 3.0000000000 | false | false | true | true | false | false | false | $70.00 | $140.00 | false | In Class | ||||
EMS Refresher and Skills Workshop | This 8-hour EMS Continuing Education course is designed for emergency medical professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in critical areas of pre-hospital care. The curriculum is divided into four focused 2-hour sessions, covering airway management, cardiac emergencies, trauma care, medical emergencies, operational procedures, and hands-on skills practice. Participants will engage in interactive lectures, case studies, and practical scenarios to reinforce learning and improve their competency in the field. | 8.0000000000 | false | false | false | false | false | false | true | $35.00 | $70.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Iphone Basics | Not sure if you are using your iPhone effectively? Join us to learn functions, tips and tricks. The course will include both formal instruction and time to troubleshoot with the instructor. | 3.0000000000 | false | false | true | true | false | false | false | $59.00 | $118.00 | false | In Class | ||||
From Dish to Streaming - Cutting the cost of TV | Fed up with high prices, endless fees and programming packages with 40 channels you don't watch? Cutting the cord and sourcing your TV programming elsewhere is easier than you may think. Join us as we help you discover cable and satellite alternatives to start saving money now. You must be comfortable using the keyboard and mouse and accessing the internet. | 2.0000000000 | false | false | false | true | false | false | false | $29.00 | $58.00 | false | In Class | ||||
CDL Truck Driver Training Class A | Go to Central Technology Center's website to sign up for information and to sign up for the class. The program utilizes classroom instruction, range and road driving, as well as, practical application of skills used in highway driving. You will be prepared to join the trucking industry after 28 days of training. Cost is $4,800.00; tuition assistance, discounts and grants available. Upon successful completion of the class/exams and having met all requirements, students earn: Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Central Tech Truck Driver Training certificate of completion PDTI seal of attainment indicating completion of all standards The state-of-the-art facility has a driving range with more than three miles of paved roadway on 45 acres. The range is equipped with traffic signs, railroad crossing, and skill practice areas designed to allow each student to develop the skills necessary to become proficient in driving today’s tractor trailers. Two students per truck allows each student a minimum of 44 hours of drive time ensuring the ability to develop proficient driving skills including: Control/Vehicle Systems Vehicle Pre-Trip Inspection FMCSA Rules & Regulations Air Brakes Systems Coupling & Uncoupling Various Backing Maneuvers Progressive Shifting Space & Speed Management Compliance Safety & Accountability (CSA) Hours of Service Night Driving | 9.0000000000 | false | true | true | true | true | true | false | $4300.00 | $8600.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Excel 2021/365 Level 2 | What is the purpose of Excel Level 2? Level 2 is paced just right with another three days. Not only has level one made us more efficient, it has gotten us ready for advanced data analysis. We are going to learn how to make sense of all that data. In the beginning there were numbers, but the numbers didn’t know where to go. Who would bring madness to the chaos? Students of level 2 will be charged with herding the numbers into neatly designed tables. From those tables, the numbers will be grouped and those groups named. Methods of filtering and sorting abound. You’ll be exposed to new features that enable you to get the numbers just right. We use advanced analysis tools to quickly measure, check or develop metrics for a sample business. Together we explore charts, graphs, style and flair. We cover options to establish, expand or simply keep on brand. Once the data is evaluated and the style is just so, it is time to share it. We’ll learn ways to collaborate with colleagues. We’ll finish with several ways to protect your hard work. This class will cover Excel 2021 LEVEL 2. | 3.0000000000 | false | true | false | true | false | false | false | $109.00 | $196.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Security Guard I & II | Phase I includes interpreting security guard law, first aid, fire extinguishers and writing field notes and reports. You will also interpret legal powers. Phase II includes public relations, fixed post duties, patrolling and investigating security incidents. Cost of the class includes first attempt for the certification exam. | 3.0000000000 | false | false | true | true | true | false | false | $499.00 | $888.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Backyard Beekeeping for Beginners | Learn the basics to get started beekeeping in your backyard. You'll learn which supplies you'll need, and the knowledge to keep your hive(s) healthy and productive. | 2.0000000000 | false | false | false | true | false | false | false | $99.00 | $198.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Paraprofessional Special Ed Certificate Training | This course provides basic competencies to entry-level paraprofessionals who work with students having disabilities in kindergarten through high school special/inclusive classrooms. This 24-hour course is the first step in the process for one to be listed on the State Department of Education's Registry of Paraprofessionals. | 4.0000000000 | false | false | true | true | true | false | false | $195.00 | $350.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Real Estate Pre Licensing | This evening course meets training requirements mandated by the state legislature to qualify individuals to sit for the state licensing exam to become a provisional sales associate as outline by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission. The Commission approves the curriculum and instructor and all topics are relevant to Oklahoma laws. This will be an evening course that will last 8 weeks. | 3.0000000000 | false | true | true | true | true | false | false | $799.00 | $1558.00 | false | In Class | ||||
Estimating Construction Materials for roofing and exterior skinning | This class will help you to use math to calculate the dimensions of theoretical and existing structures without having to be on location. You will be able to use google earth to take estimated measurements allowing for site unseen construction bids. | 3.0000000000 | false | false | false | true | false | false | false | $39.00 | $78.00 | false | In Class | ||||